With free education, it can help under privileged students who previously could not go to school because there were no funds. Free education in society can ensure equal distribution of education and expand learning opportunities for everyone. Apart from that, free education is also beneficial for society to change social conditions and lead to national change.
Argument 1
Differences in physical conditions
With this, physical differences must be taken into account. Because it is not meant to differentiate, but these physical differences greatly influence the place in learning. By separating these places, both parties can study well and without any threats from the other party. by providing special schools for people with disabilities who need special guidance.
Argument 2
Environmental conditions that do not support
Many people today do not continue their education due to the influence of the environment where they live. There are still many people who think that continuing school until higher education is not important. According to them, being able to read, write and count is enough.
Agument 3
Economic factors
Economic factors can be the main cause of increasing school dropout rates. The free education program is expected to be able to reduce the number of school dropouts caused by economic limitations. The family's economic inability to support education costs can have an impact on children's psychological problems and cause children to not be able to socialize well.
So free education is very important in today's life to change the future for the better. This is supported to support all people who do not have the money to pay and help improve the welfare of the community to continue their education. Apart from that, several people who have different physical conditions must also be considered without distinction, by providing special schools for people with disabilities who need special guidance.


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